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8x Classes


In Shraddha Yoga Therapy we cultivate a heightened awareness of the 12 primary meridians that activate the 12 primary organ systems of the body as recognized in Traditional Chinese Medicine, within the asana of Traditional Hatha Yoga.

Each posture is designed to influence the flow of chi through particular meridians, influencing their corresponding organs & thus having a specific therapeutic effect.

An invitation to come out of your head & into your body & explore for yourself the connection of your mind, body & spirit.

Class 1
Letting Go


In this Metal Element Practice we inspire chi flow through the lung & large intestine meridians;  Supporting healthy elimination & respiration as well as the rebalancing of symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, IBS, sinus infections, skin problems, asthma, bonchitis & breathing difficulties.  Whilst psycho-emotionally supporting our mind-body system to let go on all levels;
Unravelling any embodied grief & stuck stories from the past, stored in our cells.
Supporting us to adapt to life's consistent change.
Letting go of the old & making way for the new & harmonizing with the universal law of Impermanence.

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Class 2
Restore & Renew

In this Water Element Practice we focus on releasing nervous tension & restoring the deep reserves of our vital life force. 
Supporting the reversal of the stress response helps in alleviating symptoms such as lethargy & fatigue, dark bags under the eyes & lower back pain.
Unravelling embodied fear, anxiety & stress from the tissues, while calming & toning the nervous system & recharging the batteries.

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Class 3


In this Wood Element Practice we support the detoxification & purification of the body-mind system.
Alleviating symptoms such as fatigue, sluggishness, headaches, poor immunity, irritability & mood swings as we support the liver to clean the blood
hilst psycho-emotionally cleansing the body of suppressed or over-indulged emotions of anger stored in the tissues, such as frustration, impatience, intolerance, judgement & attachment to control.
We allow space for abundant vitality, clarity, & embodiment of healthy response-ability, self expression & compassion.

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Class 4


In this Fire Element (I) Practice we open the chest, strengthen & vitalize the upper body & activate the heart centre.
A wonderful practice to increase circulation, unwind shoulder tension, reduce excess heat in the body & calm an erratic mind.

Psycho-emotionally illuminating our connection to our hearts innate wisdom, boundless joy, creativity & unconditional love - inspiring the release of old stuck emotional wounds & protective armour.
Connecting to our capacity for forgiveness, healthy communication, intimacy & bliss. 

Opening the tissues around the heart, we inspire the palpable embodiment of the truth of the love that we innately already are.

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Class 5
Embodiment & Healthy Immunity


In this Fire Element (II) Practice we support the harmonious flow of chi between the main organ system of the body involved in respiration, digestion, elimination & reproduction, cultivating a strong & healthy immune system.

Simultaneously, we encourage chi flow into the protective fascia surrounding the heart, supporting the disolution of armouring & emotional disconnection, allowing us to flow freely & release naturally & appropriately.

This is a wonderful practise to balance blood pressure, release the diaphragm & strengthen our lymphatic system & overall immunity.

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Class 6


In this Earth Element Practice we learn to ground our energy, improve our digestion, strengthen our core & stabilize our connection to our centre.
Supporting the release of old habits such as unhealthy eating & relationship patterns, that insatiably attempt to fill our misperceived sense of neediness.
Connecting to the wholeness, fullness & contentment innate at our core.

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Class 7
Overall Health & Wellbeing


In this Five Element Practice we explore asanas that optimise chi flow into all twelve of the primary organ systems via the twelve main meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Optimising vitality, purification & all round health & wellbeing.

A wonderful practice to start the day.

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Class 8
Yin Yoga for the 5 Elements


In this Yin Practice we explore long held therapeutic asana's that release deep layers of contraction & trauma held in the fascia.  As well as more deeply influencing chi flow through the 12 main meridians that flow directly through this deeper connective tissue.

We invite increased suppleness & flexibility into the physical body, particularly the joints, whilst restoring harmony & balance to the mental & emotional bodies.

Simultaneously, cultivating mindfulness;
the act of neither withdrawing from, or identifying with whatever arises, physically, psychologically & emotionally.

Inviting & allowing a deep release on all level of our beings, this is a wonderful evening practice for dropping in & letting go.

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